Questions That You Might Encounter When Applying For Temp Work

There are lots of benefits to experience when you gain employment as a temp worker — but before the paperwork gets signed, you'll need to get through the interview process. You can expect to hear the usual interview questions when you sit across the table from your prospective employer, but you'll commonly hear a number of questions that specifically pertain to the temporary nature of the job for which you're applying. Being able to skillfully navigate these questions, provide top-notch answers, and avoid falling into a trap will help you to land the job. Here are three questions that you might encounter.

Will You Be Looking For Other Work?

While some people are happy working as temps, others take this type of work as a stopgap measure while trying to find more permanent employment. Employers aren't keen on hiring temps who will quit before their contracts are up, so you may be asked a question about whether you'll be looking for other work even after you're hired. The right way to answer this question is to say that you won't be, but that you might begin to seek other positions toward the end of your contract if it appears that it won't be renewed. Make sure to express that regardless of what else you might find, you will honor the length of your temp contract.

Why Do You Prefer Temp Work?

Not everyone prefers temp work, so you may have the prospective manager ask you why you prefer it. Don't get tripped up by not having an answer at the tip of your tongue, as this can suggest that you don't prefer temp work and that you're only doing it as a necessity. Instead, think of some of the many benefits of this type of work. For example, perhaps your children have just gone back to school, and picking up some temp work is a handy way for you to once again get acclimatized to the workforce.

Do You Want Your Contract Extended?

While it might seem a bit presumptuous to talk about extending your temp contract before you're even officially hired, you'll sometimes come across this question. Employers want to know how serious prospective temps are about their work, because the reality is that employers often extend temp workers. There are lots of benefits to doing so, including the fact that the temp will be able to continue working, rather than have a new temp who will need to be trained. If you're hoping to stay on for as long as possible, be sure to get this message across.

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